The Big Story, Part 1

2008 Nominee for Outreach Magazine’s Apologetics Resource of the Year. The book — True Story — is available through Amazon and other booksellers.

Free study guide available for True Story from InterVarsity Press.

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Here’s my attempt to explain the Christian faith… in three minutes. Crazy, right? InterVarsity asked me to do it, and here’s the result. I wanted to present a more holistic faith — something closer to the gospel that Jesus taught. This was unscripted, and of course, many details will be painfully left out in such a short amount of time. So it’s not anything close to a perfect presentation. But it forced me to make it concise, so I appreciate the assignment — though I would never share it this quickly in person.

This material is adapted from my books: True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In (for believers) and its companion booklet, Based on a True Story (for seekers). Both are coming out through InterVarsity Press in April 2008, and you can find a blurb on the book at the IVP website. Half of the royalties of the book will go back to the ministry of San Diego InterVarsity, so please pick up a copy when it comes out!

I’d love to know what you think of this. And if you like it, would you click the image (though not directly on the play button) and rate it at YouTube? Or post it, if you like. It would help get the word out.

The Big Story, part 2 (January 31, 2008): A sequel has been made to this video. Check it out!

In Christianity Today (November 25, 2008): The Big Story was featured in Christianity Today, and they have graciously agreed to let me post a .pdf version the article, “just this once.”

Bible study (February 24, 2009): Christianity Today published a bible study on the Big Story. It’s not free, but available for download.

Free study guide (June 15, 2009): InterVarsity Press released a free, downloadable study guide for True Story. It’s ideal for small groups.

Training reposted (June 14, 2010): The training document is updated and available again.

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  1. pretty sweet mr choung! i am loving this global minded gospel approach; it’s exactly what my crazy “save the world” friends are looking for ;)


  2. I’m lovin’ it James – great job. I’ll be test driving it around more and will hopefully have some more feedback to give you by SC08…


  3. […] those more gifted than myself to figure out how this relates to evangelism. A good friend of mine, James Choung, has just written a book called True Story which does exactly that. If you pick up a copy, please […]


  4. […] adaptation of The Bridge Diagram and some of the work that James Choung has been doing with “The Big Story.” Below you’ll find a video of this diagram, and check out the Powerpoint of the […]


  5. Steve Norman of Genesis Church in Detroit gave an incredible sermon based on the Big Story. Check it out at:


  6. Hi,

    I found this through a post at STR, and commented there before I noticed this comment box.

    My comment was a reaction to the video. I just read the write-up PDF, and noticed some small differences that affect what I said. For instance, the “We can’t go straight to the last circle” paragraph in the PDF is a better explanation than I got from the video.

    In your FAQ, question 1 addresses some of what I raised: “1. Didn’t Jesus die for our sins? Aren’t you missing that in your diagram?” I think it’s fantastic that you’re addressing the mission of a Christian life. I believe in “What you call them with is what you call them to,” so every gospel presentation needs to deal with the work that comes after becoming initial belief. (I never quote Eph 2:8-9. I only quote Eph 2:8-10.)

    I am, however, still concerned about what I said near the end: “Importantly, it leaves out that justification & right relationship with God is by faith, through the blood of Christ. It comes across as works-righteousness with Jesus’ help.”


  7. Whoops, typo. “the work that comes after becoming initial belief” should be “the work that comes after initial belief”.


  8. OK, my first post had a link, so it won’t be displayed until it has been moderated. Which means my “whoops, typo” post is currently sitting there alone. Just thought I’d explain to anyone wondering why that is. :)


  9. James,

    Thanks so much for sharing this fantastic tool with us! I don’t remember the first time I discovered it (or if it was here or some IV-related website or…), but I’ve pointed a few people over here in the last few months, including, most recently the Blue Ridge representative to the Evangelism Task Force as well as the other co-leader of our evangelism chapter camp track.

    I am a senior on C-Team at UNC-CH, and I wanted to let you know that I had a real positive conversation just last week, the first time I’d tried using your diagram to explain the Gospel. The woman I was talking with is someone I’ve been meeting with for a while that’s been increasingly interested in Christianity (she has some but minimal church background) but is just beginning to understand ideas like grace, Lordship, etc. and realize she has a decision she needs to make about Jesus. In our conversation last week I was able to use your diagram to help her understand that it couldn’t just be a me-and-Jesus deal where other people can believe whatever they want– either this is the Real Story about everyone and it’s really, really good, or we’ve got to chuck it entirely. It was the first time she’d realized that she needed to consider whether she could believe Jesus was the only way or if needed to trash the Jesus thing entirely– the first time she realized the magnitude of the Gospel and that it couldn’t coexist with other paths to God, which was one of her big questions.

    This week my chapter’s doing Proxe stations for the first time, based around the theme of fathers, leading up to an evangelistic LG on “If God’s Father, I don’t want anything to have to do with him.” I had JUST the week before shared the your work with my staff (after the great convo w/ it!), so she didn’t teach it in the training, BUT tonight I sent it out to a select group of friends working at the station, people I know are likely less than completely satsified with Bridge and are in a good place in terms of their own understanding of the Gospel to be able to use it well (and without freaking out about a “social gospel” or anything!).

    I know this is the longest comment on your blog ever, and it actually doesn’t get at the content of the diagram (which I do have thoughts on…), but I wanted to let you know that we were trying this out at UNC! I’ll try to let you know how it goes and maybe at that pt can let you know how other student leaders at UNC felt about using it, as well. :o)

    I’m pumped about your book coming out, btw!


  10. Hi Tim —

    Thanks for the comment. I understand your concern here. Don’t worry: I definitely don’t believe in works-righteousness. And I don’t think the diagram excludes relationship by faith.

    It also doesn’t focus on it exclusively either. Jesus didn’t seem to either. And in our concern to protect against it, I wonder if we do a disservice to the power of good works. James declared that faith without deeds is dead, while Jesus kept telling us that we will know a tree by its fruit. I wonder if we have swung too far and said that works don’t matter — but according to Matthew 25, they do. They don’t save us, but they validate the faith in us.

    Besides, this isn’t the question of the generation. If the question of the Boomers was: Is it true? And if the question of the Xers is: Is it real? I think the current generation is asking this about Christianity: is it good? And they will want to see our faith in action.

    That said — I think you can always adjust the diagram to emphasize a justification by faith. I just wanted to make sure the missional component wasn’t lost.

    I love the conversation…


  11. Hi Ashleigh —

    You were right about it being the longest comment. My spam-filter thought it was too long to be legit, but I just happened to be cleaning out the spam and found yours. I’m glad to have found it!

    Those are encouraging words! I’d love to hear more about how things go at UNC as you go along, and may God bless your outreach efforts.


  12. I understand your concern here. Don’t worry: I definitely don’t believe in works-righteousness. And I don’t think the diagram excludes relationship by faith.

    OK. To be clear, I wasn’t even thinking about whether you believe in works-righteousness. I was reacting to the content of the Youtube video presentation. I was (hopefully) constructively criticizing that presentation; I see some strengths in it, which I pointed out both in my comment at STR and here.

    You’re right, the diagram doesn’t exclude the role of faith. That’s why I said that I just had a problem with some of the wording you used, and that the presentation needs tweaking–I wasn’t suggesting it was weakness inherent in the diagram.

    And I don’t think the diagram excludes relationship by faith.

    It also doesn’t focus on it exclusively either.

    Well, I already praised that aspect of your presentation. That is, I said it’s fabulous that you’re dealing with the works side of the Christian life. I think you’re quite right that people want to see our faith in action, and it’s important that such things are included in gospel presentations.

    The problem was that while you preached Eph 2:10 very well, Eph 2:8-9 seemed conspicuously absent from the video. It’s not that you included more than the role of faith, it’s that you left it out. That’s not a weakness of the diagram, but of the particular presentation you gave in that video. So, again, this could easily be rectified. And maybe the problem was just in that particular recording session; I have no idea how your typical presentations go.

    My concern is that people need, need, need to understand that their right relationship with God is achieved on the basis of faith in Christ, and not on the resources He gives them to fix the planet. They need, need, need to understand that the work of Christian life is the fruit of a restored relationship with God, which is not something they can work to achieve. They need, need, need to see the whole picture of Eph. 2:8-10.

    If you agree with what I say about their need, I’ll be content if you think about how you can ensure that your presentations of the diagram include that whole picture.


  13. Hi Tim — Thanks. I do agree. And I appreciate the clarification of your thoughts. Yes, a line about trusting (which is closer to the Greek word for faith) Jesus would go a long way. I do usually put this in the invitation to faith: after a friend relates to one of the circles, then I’ll invite them to trust Jesus — who he is, what he says about the world, what he’s taught about the eternal kind of life, what he’s done — and to allow him to become their leader.

    I also made another a mistake in the video: in the third circle, I meant to say “[restored] to God” (when I’m tracing the inner circle) and I say “each other” instead. I realized that after the video had been more widely circulated, and couldn’t find a way to re-edit the video itself without losing the web address. At other points of the video, our relationship with God is mentioned but not elaborated on.

    That’s where three minutes is really confining — it usually takes me about 10-15 minutes in reality. So I think you’re right in saying that the .pdf is better. Your thoughts are also not overlooked in the upcoming books.

    Thanks for the feedback. Helpful.


  14. […] In“. Here’s a short blurb from the book’s site: In this engaging narrative, James Choung weaves a tale of a search for a Christianity worth believing in. Disillusioned believer Caleb and […]


  15. […] For all of you old school evangelists that remember the “bridge diagram,” James Choung, a young man working for InterVarsity, has created a version that is a little more up on the times.  The diagram approaches spirituality as a dialog as opposed to answering questions that people are not necessarily asking.  More materials on the diagram are available a James Choung’s website. […]


  16. Hey James,

    Long time no see — it’s Eric from MIT CBF (Class of 1995). Got pointed here from another old MIT pal… just wanted to say that I appreciated your video, and while I echo Tim’s comments, I also am encouraged by your modest and thoughtful responses.

    I’m glad to see how your proposal helpfully addresses some of the (often unwitting) individualism inherent in the way the gospel’s often been presented, as well as the undue emphasis on the “belief” transaction without equal emphasis on the transforming influence that rightly happens in and through the Christian’s life. And I appreciate also how you build bridges with some very contemporary concerns (global warming, AIDS pandemic, etc.) in recognizing the pervasive effects of sin on our world.

    A couple other peripheral concerns arose as I watched your video: first, I wonder whether the in-breaking of God’s reign could be misinterprted from your presentation as being entirely this-worldly — thus swinging the pendulum a little too far in mirroring the tension in Jesus’ teaching between the “already” and the “not yet.” Secondly, I note that though Jesus doesn’t shy away from speaking plainly about final judgment and eternal consequences for our wickedness, you never do (or did I miss something?). If this was such a major note in Jesus’ teaching, shouldn’t it have a sentence in even just a 3-minute presentation?


  17. Hi Eric — Good to hear from you! You’re name just came up in conversation — Jeannie Chao moved down to San Diego and we’ve been hanging out with her and Brian.

    Thanks for sharing the concerns, and they’ll be addressed both by the book and the booklet. As for your first point, it would be worth a line to say something also about the age to come. Originally, the fourth circle of the diagram was about “consummation.” (The circles originally followed Creation, Fall, Redemption and Consummation.) But when we shared it with non-Christians, they thought it was too utopian and hard to believe.

    We changed the diagram instead to focus on the mission now, instead of the consummation to come. But I think a line would still be helpful.

    As for the second objection, Jesus reserved his judgment language for the religious establishment — the Pharisees and Sadducees. Though there is a final judgment (and I wouldn’t shy away from it if someone asked), it seems that the vision of the Kingdom of God would be more compelling. Even here, the book does a better job of addressing this as well. But I’ll muse on this further.

    Thanks for the comments. In the next couple of months before the book comes out, I’ll make an update to this video presentation that isn’t constrained by the three-minute time limit.


  18. Thanks for the response, James. I can see how consummation language could be received as “too utopian.” But the cynicism of our age doesn’t have to keep us from countering it with a future hope, does it?

    Regarding judgment language, I’m not sure I agree that Jesus reserved such words for the religious establishment. Though he did reserve his harshest critiques for the leaders of the day, neither did he simply speak in positive, glowing terms to his followers and the crowds. Jesus talks about the wheat and the weeds, alluding to judgment, when speaking with the crowds in Matt 13:24ff (even in a parable focused primarily on the kingdom of God); likewise in the two mini-parables that follow. Salvation and judgment are mentioned together.

    I’m also wondering if remaining silent on God’s judgment does our listeners a disservice. Doing so emphasizes the personal nature of God’s loving initiative in Jesus (yay!) but it fails to note that it also God’s own anger against sin and its consequences that is being mercifully averted through the work of Christ and the Spirit.

    In any case, I appreciate this dialogue and the reflections it prompts in me. I hope my comments can be constructive for your thoughts in some way!


  19. Hi Eric. Oh, let me clarify something.

    You talked about the final judgment in your first comment, and that isn’t in the diagram itself, though you could bring it up. But in the last comment, you said that I remain silent on God’s judgment, seemingly in general. That’s not true. I don’t use “judgment” language doesn’t mean that it’s not in the diagram.

    I do talk about “judgment,” in that our self-centeredness and inability to love God and our neighbor wreaks havoc on our world. We damage the planet and the people around us, and we in turn are damaged. In the damage we do and are, our relationship with the Designer is damaged. We are not living life the way it was meant to believed. It speaks of the consequences of our actions and the disruption with our life in God. That’s “judgment” now and for the future. (But I don’t talk about the future part here — though if it comes up, I’d be glad to.)

    I hope that clarifies things a bit.


  20. Hi James, I happened upon your blog while surfing the net. I want to applaud you for presenting many aspects of the Gospel that have been ignored by evangelicals for years: that God through Christ is redeeming all of creation not just for individuals, and that we are not just trying to get people out of this cursed world which is going to hell in a handbasket. I agree that this is caused by a very narrow, modernistic and corrupted view of “forgiveness of sins.” It actually sounds more like ancient Greek dualistic concepts.

    However, I’ve heard many gospel presentations much like yours, and it seems to me that they swing too far in the opposite direction. My questions are yes, we are on mission for the restoration of creation. But how do we love a broken world? I believe the key to this is restoring the meaning of salvation by grace through faith. The classic distortion of this is those who, saved by grace, remain unchanged in their life. But doesn’t Paul discuss this very issue in Rom. 6-8? Those who are not changed by grace have never really understood it. If a life is not changed and fruits seen, transformation has not occured (e.g. James). I believe if we are not transformed from the inside by an amazing, sacrificial, substitionary love, we have no power to love others and to work for social justice. I hope we can bring together the big-story aspect of the gospel and redemption for all of creation together with true personal transformation from substitutionary atonement. Have you read the recent Gospel Coalition’s theological vision for ministry? I think it does this very well.


  21. Hi Ben — no arguments here. Except, I don’t think the diagram swings to the opposite extreme. It’s not trying to be a social gospel, but trying to hold both individual, relational and systemic levels together while keeping the presentation simple.

    It’s a quick three-minutes, but if you notice throughout the presentation, I highlight the individual as well. Our relationship with God was created for good: we blessed each other. Our relationship with God is damaged, but Jesus comes to restore it for better. Then, we need to be healed (“saved” in the Greek is also “healed” and “delivered” and it’s only by context that we know the difference) ourselves to be a source of healing to others. It’s in the diagram and presentation, and when you use it, you can expand it even further.

    The book and booklet do a much better job at expanding these ideas.

    Thanks for the comment!


  22. James — helpful clarification, except that I still think you’re only talking about half of judgment.

    You’re speaking of what Paul refers to as God giving us over to our sins in Romans 1:24ff: the idea that the relational and cosmic consequences of sin are an expression of God’s wrath toward sinners. But it seems to me that there’s an important difference between the way Paul writes it and the way you’re writing it: you speak as if the consequences of sin are simply a matter of cause-and-effect. But if I read Paul (and Jesus) properly, judgment is more than that: it’s an expression of God’s character, of his just anger toward sin and sinners. And even though final judgment is the climactic expression of that anger, it seems to me that even in the present tense, if we are without Christ, then we are by nature “children of wrath” (Eph 2:2), enemies of God, objects of divine hatred — which is more than what you’re saying.

    Your focus on what sin has resulted in — broken people, a broken world, broken relationships, etc. — is helpful so far as it goes, and a needed corrective to individualistic pictures of salvation. But surely salvation isn’t just healing a broken world, nor is it just restoring broken relationships… it’s also a rescue from just anger and condemnation, also a judge delivering criminals from the death sentence he has rightly pronounced over them. The wonder of that radical 180 degree move from Judge to Friend is lost if judgment is simply a matter of the natural consequences of sin, don’t you think?


  23. Hi Eric —

    I understand what you’re saying, and it’s theologically true. I touch on it when I say that because of our self-centeredness, we wrong each other and thus damage our relationship with God. I’m not leaving it out, but putting into a larger context of what God is doing in the world. Both/and.

    I also think you’re also underestimating the weight of intrinsic punishment (as opposed to extrinsic — aka. C.S. Lewis.) We who live in Western society can avoid much of what many in the world would call “a living hell.”

    Even so, it is also only one biblical picture among many. Look at Jesus in John 4? Or Peter in Acts 2? There is creativity in the way Christian leaders present the gospel, and we’ll need ways to connect with the current generation. Romans was written to believers — people already on the in. (It was a missionary support letter, as he sought support to go to Spain.) Even Paul leaves out “children of wrath” on Mars Hill in Acts 17. He actually argues against their idolatry and calls them to “repent” (which just means “a change of mind” in the Greek instead of “feel bad about yourself.”) and says that God will call the world to account through Jesus.

    I do, however, believe that every message needs to call people to “repent and believe.” But how do you help people today understand their need to “repent” and “believe” (not an intellectual assent, but a living trust) without loading it down with so many other misunderstandings? It seems that the Bible allows for some creativity and engagement of context.

    Again, I don’t think we’re far off from each other. It seems you’d like me to press a little more in the “wrath” direction. I’m trying to communicate biblical truths that connect without compromise — sometimes that’s a tricky balance. It makes me glad for the conversation.

    I’m interested in what you would you say. What would you present? How have your unbelieving friends received it?


  24. Hi James.
    I stumbled across your video through Inter Varsity and I think it’s great. It is a terrific presentation that cleanly lays out many facets of our faith in action to those interested. I appreciate all that you included in your very limited time. Theologians are still trying to articulate the nuances of our faith nearly two thousand years after the church’s inception, I think it is therefore a bit much for people to expect you to cover everything in three minutes; something is bound to be left out.

    I see that you intended this to be a great conversation starter and it operates well this way. You could really go anywhere from this diagram. It’s a great tool to utilize. Wonderful job!


  25. Hey James,

    I’m happily willing to concede that we’re talking about issues of emphasis rather than clear disagreement. I also would say that I recognize the need for carefully considering our audience as we think about what is the “gospel” we share. Maybe that’s one of the weaknesses (and strengths) inherent in this medium: it simply cannot be all things to all people. I have shared what I’ve written, in appropriate ways, with unbelieving family and friends, and it has been comprehensible; but I’ve not shared it without touching on the brokenness of our world, or in only 3 minutes. :)

    At the risk of wandering even further from my original point, let me attempt to clarify again. When I propose an affirmation that the wrath of God, not simply the consequences of sin, are at the heart of the “bad news” of the gospel, I’m not sure I’m saying you need to lean more in the “wrath” direction. But I am suggesting that we need to consistently affirm that the problem of sin is personal *before* it is cosmic (though it is both), that it is a problem God has with us before it is a mess we’ve made of our world (though it is both), and that the solution provided by God is not simply one of a kind janitor come to clean up the mess we’ve brought on ourselves, but of a violated, defied Creator King who is, against what we could ever expect, working decisively to restore both relationship and creation. To me, that’s what makes the Gospel most remarkable: that, as Michael Card has put it, you can now “look into your judge’s face and find a savior there.”

    I’ve heard it said that what you win them with, you win them to. Win people to Christianity by giving room for them to think that God is simply the ultimate global activist for utopia in this age, and I fear they will simply be social activists with a Christian veneer. But if we can find words or pictures for your presentation to capture the radical, ludicrous nature of the turnaround, of God’s unexpected, unnecessary, gracious initiative in the gospel, and of us as utterly undeserving recipients and participants in its outworking, and I think we’d be on safer ground. For what it’s worth, that is why I feel like the wrath of God still belongs somewhere in your presentation, however you may choose to describe it.

    As you say, this conversation is good fodder for thought. Thanks.


  26. Thanks Nathan!

    And hi Eric,

    Yes! Love it. But does it have to be before? Can’t it be both/and?

    And I think we’re both saying it’s both/and. I just don’t know if I put one before the other. Both happen, or else something is wrong in both, no?

    And in the diagram, it hits three levels consistently: personal, relational and systemic. So perhaps our only sticking point is that you would like to put personal before relational and systemic, and I prefer to think of it as a both/and. It’s hard for people to be transformed without the mission.

    You’re eloquent, as always, my brother!


  27. I think you’re right in recognizing where we differ, and I do acknowledge that there are complexities in the relationships between the three “levels” which make it difficult (though, I would venture to say, still possible) to discern order or priority from the biblical narrative. With that said, my wife thinks I’m spending way too much time on this conversation, so I think I’ll hang up the proverbial phone for now. :) Thanks for the conversation!


  28. […] I’m excited because of its implications for The Big Story. A picture is worth a thousand words, […]


  29. I watched your video and thought WOW, why didn’t I think of that! It takes the Bridge Illustration and improves on it drastically.

    Your video makes it clear and the explanation that goes with it much more theologically rich than just a personal transaction between on and God. It’ calls us to participating in the kingdom.

    Pastor Chris


  30. […] issue. They didn’t include the graphics that are in the magazine article, but you can see a three-minute version of The Big Story in action, and if you’re still interested, you can also take a look at its […]


  31. A good outreach tool I’d say. Thanks James.


  32. Hi James, Thank you for your fresh approach to sharing Christ. I have used Bill Bright’s Four Laws for many decades now and through God’s grace brought many to Christ using it. But the time is right for an approach that is more relevant to where people are at today and you have provided that for us. I am going to share it with my church. Thank you for your very fine contribution. I pray it will be used by God to bring many to Him.


  33. I would love to see your video, but unfortunately I live in Thailand and Youtube has been blocked here because of some unsavory videos about the King. Is there another format for viewing this video? If not, would you be willing to post it on another format? Thank you.


  34. Thanks to Evangelism Coach, Faith Browser and Andrew!

    Cory, did you try the link above to the downloadable versions?


  35. Hey James,
    thanks for that short video. I tried to click the link to the training document PDF, but it is somehow broken. Can you check what happend?



  36. Sorry Micha — thanks for letting me know. I’ve fixed the link.


  37. I first read about your work in Christianity Today (fantastic magazine), and I am studying this approach as an adjunct to some methods in our crisis pregnancy center. Thanks for the innovation. We’ll see how others respond.


  38. I love the final emphasis being on going out into the world and spreading the kingdom. Most “versions” of Christianity stop at sphere three.


  39. James
    I read the interview in CT and then downloaded the teaching segment …. I used the BIG Story just today to share with a young couple – and they both found faith and reconciliation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thanks for letting God use your creative mind and your strengths and gifts.
    Sheryl Tedder
    Co-pastor, SLC Utah


  40. […] This is the best presentation I’ve seen in years:  The Big Story […]


  41. Hi Karen — thanks for letting me know. I’d love to know how it’s been received there.

    Hi Jay — thanks!

    And Sheryl — thanks for the encouragement! That’s really great news to me! Blessings on you as you serve in Salt Lake City. (If you’re interested, I know someone who used the Big Story in SLC for a summer — he’s on staff here in San Diego and has a Mormon background. I can put you in contact with him if you’re interested.)


  42. […] “True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In” and features a Southern slant on his usual presentation […]


  43. […] can I say to James Choung except, thanks. I am much more happy with the opportunities that the Four Circles presentation gives me for sharing the gospel with people. My opportunities to share Jesus sometimes […]


  44. James, I am more and more taken by this presentation. I am incorporating it / making it my MO for witnessing. You are very insightful and I am very happy with how it speaks to a culture that wants to make a difference. I hear this new paradigm as I preach about the Christian life now too. The Lord bless his name and bless you real good too!


  45. […] the links to see the original videos of the Big Story — part 1 and part 2 — or the […]


  46. […] .. Note (added 10/10/08): This presentation was developed by James Choung, who explains it further here. […]


  47. Awesome, such a simple but enlightening way of presenting Christianity. Well Done!!!


  48. […] Our Gospel is sometimes “too small!”  Our current series is designed to help understand how earth-shaking (in a Euchatastrophic way!) Jesus’ message of the Kingdom really was – and is! We also want to learn how to better share this Good News with clarity and authenticity.  We’ve been working off writings by James Choung of Intervarsity in California.  His book, True Story – A Christianity Worth Believing In, and his blog have a 4-circle diagram – seen here.  There is also a video that shows an example of how this can be explained.  Click here to go to Choung’s blog. He has a part 2 video mentioned there that is also helpful. […]


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